Contact Us

Please use the contact form below to connect with us via email.  We will reach out to you with a response within 3 business days.  Emails are actioned based on acuity.  Due to high volume, please only send one email, thank you for your patience.

If you are contacting us regarding an emergency, please DO NOT leave a message through this website. Please visit your nearest hospital Emergency Room.


Physiotherapy:  Monday-Friday 7 AM-7:30 PM & Saturday 8:00 AM-2:00 PM
Doctor’s Clinic: Monday-Friday 8 AM-4:30 PM
Fax:  778-945-6775 

Paris EveryBODY Tel:  778-945-6756 press 5

Footbridge Physiotherapy Tel:  778-945-6756 press 0

Dr. Younger, Dr. Penner, Dr. Wing, Dr. Gagne, Dr. Gutmanis 778-945-6756 press 2 email:

Dr. Stothers, Dr. Sadr, Dr. Forsyth 778-945-6756 press 3 email:

Dr. Leith, Dr. Horlick, Dr. Anderson, Dr. Hindle, Sports Medicine Fellows 778-945-6756 press 4 email:

Dr. Veljkovic, Foot & Ankle Fellows 778-945-6756 press 6 email:

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