Get ready for your surgery: learn about what must be done ahead of time to ensure the best possible outcome.

Surgical Guide
Review all information pertaining to surgery with Footbridge surgeons.
Preparing for your surgery and hospital stay.

Frequently Asked Questions about Surgery
A Footbridge surgeon has signed me up to have surgery. Where will it take place?
Footbridge surgeons operate at three different hospitals, so depending on which physicians consented you for surgery, your operation will take place at:
Drs. Stothers, Penner, Wing, Veljkovic, Gammon, Sadr: St. Paul’s Hospital
Dr. Leith: UBC Hospital or ASC Surgical Centre
What is the wait time to obtain my surgery?
Several factors influence the length of time you will have to obtain your operation such as the amount of OR time the physician is assigned, the length of the procedure, number of available hospital beds, and other urgent cases that come up.
However, the approximate wait-times* for surgery are as follows:
Inpatient foot & ankle procedures: 9-12 months
Daycare foot & ankle procedures: 6-12 months
Hip & Knee Replacements: 10-12 months
Sport Knee (ACL, meniscus etc): 4-8 month
*Wait times are based on next-available surgeon, and may be significantly higher if you are waiting for a specific surgeon.
Our office will contact you as soon as a surgical date becomes available. Although we understand that it can be frustrating when wait times can be lengthy, we ask that you please only contact our office if there are changes to your availability for surgery, there are significant changes to your health or medications, or you have a dental procedure planned in the next three months.
Is there a surgical cancellation list?
Yes. Patients on our cancellation list have expressed that they are able to have surgery with less than two weeks’ notice. If you would like to be added to our surgical cancellation list, please contact our office: 778-945-6756 xt 117.
What does it mean to agree to have surgery with the “next available” surgeon?
Patients who choose to have surgery with the “next available” surgeon will be booked in with the first available, most appropriate surgeon. Since patients are not on the wait list for a specific surgeon, wait times for surgery are generally much shorter. Patients who select this option will be required to come in for a pre-op appointment with the surgeon who will be performing the surgery at least six weeks prior to the scheduled surgery date.
When will I find out about my surgery date?
Footbridge receives OR schedules from the hospitals one to three months in advance. Therefore, patients are notified approximately 1-3 months before surgery. When we have a surgical date available, we will contact you, and detail all of the steps needed to prepare for your operation.
Please call and advise our office of any dates that you will be away or unavailable for surgery while on our surgical wait list.
What equipment will I need for surgery?
Your Footbridge Care Team will inform you what equipment will be needed for surgery when you sign your consent forms during your consultation appointment with the doctor. A surgical booking package will be provided to you at this time that may include any equipment you will need to obtain to utilize post-operatively. The equipment required may include: walker boot, mobility aid, home care, brace, etc. One of our team members will follow up with you prior to your surgery to ensure that you have obtained the required equipment.
If you were provided a list, and you have lost it, please call us: 778-945-6756 xt 117.
The required post-op equipment can be purchased at Footbridge or at most medical supply stores. Some items can be rented through Red Cross Health Equipment Loan Program.
Do I require a pre-assessment appointment or an anesthetic consult?
Some patients may require a consultation with the anesthesiologist or nurse prior to surgery. If this is needed, St. Paul’s Hospital pre-admission clinic will contact you to book approximately 1-2 weeks before the date of your surgery.
When do I receive the details of my surgery such as time and preparation information?
You can expect a call from Footbridge the day before your scheduled surgery.*
We will provide you with the following:
- Time to arrive at the hospital,
- Where to check in,
- Eating and drinking protocol.
*Patients of Dr. Leith who are having surgery at ASC or UBC Hospital will receive a call from the hospital directly with this information.
When will post-operative instructions be provided to me?
After you have had your operation, the surgeon (or a member of the surgeon’s team) will visit you to answer questions. At this time, you will be provided with all of the information you need for post-operative care. All of your post-operative visits after being discharged from the hospital will take place at Footbridge.