Jared Root-McCaig MPT, MSc, BScHK
PhysiotherapistAbout Jared Root-McCaig
Jared’s physiotherapy philosophy is that exercise is medicine. After being a kinesiologist in the Kitsilano area for several years prior to physiotherapy school, he has a thorough understanding of exercise prescription. Because of this, he is able to translate his understanding of the benefits of exercise to each client safely and effectively. Jared is also a recent graduate of a Masters in Exercise Science degree from the University of Guelph, in Ontario. Having been published 6 times, and competed in several research conferences, he has been honoured to win several awards for outstanding research in Canada. Jared has also completed a Kinesiology program where he minored in nutrition. As result, he is privileged with the ability to review and synthesize current research into my practice. Throughout University, Jared was a member of the Men’s Varsity Rugby Team at the University of Guelph. During this time, he gained an appreciation for proper conditioning, nutrition and injury-prevention. During the summers, he worked at a physiotherapy clinic where he developed an eye for proper biomechanics and understood the importance of injury rehabilitation. With his experience as a successful graduate student, as a competitive athlete, and in physiotherapy clinics, Jared brings an invaluable mix of personal experience and leading research to every client he comes into contact with.Post-Secondary Education
University of British Columbia
Masters of Physical Therapy
University of Guelph
Masters of Science
University of Guelph
Bachelors of Science (Honours) - Major in Human Kinetics
Masters of Physical Therapy
Masters of Science
Bachelors of Science (Honours) - Major in Human Kinetics